Success Despite Tragedy: How Transcription Changed This Man's Life - Part 2
Sep 28, 2024
Today we're back with Part 2 of George's incredible story! If you forgot where we left off, George was on the hunt for legitimate work-from-home opportunities. He needed something that fit both his physical and financial needs.
(If you need a full refresher, be sure to check out Part 1 first.)
After the response I got from everyone on Part 1, I know you're anxious to dive in. So let's get to it!
Best Foot Forward: An Amputee's Journey to Audio Transcription
(Part 2)
Door #1, Door #2, or Door #958?!
I Googled “work at home” and was presented with about 2,590,000,000 results. Normal search engine absurdity notwithstanding, the number brilliantly captures the daunting quality of peering into this universe in hopes of finding something legitimate and viable.
Any search for work-at-home prospects will soon reveal the possibility -- and even the probability -- of being scammed. I have known people who were taken in by the endless reincarnations of the pyramid scheme. You can almost hear the seductive sound of a carnival barker beckoning you toward one of the numerous “get rich quick and easy” ventures. It’s a good rule to beware of anything offering an effortless or easy income, large one-time payout, or some other kind of benefit -- in exchange, of course, for a modest investment (or “processing fee,” “registration fee,” “access fee,” etc.).
But, beneath the obvious “too good to be true” scenarios runs a more subtle undercurrent. There are prospects that may legitimately make you money, but not nearly enough to justify your time and effort. One of the most common is the “opinion survey” racket. Who wouldn’t want to get paid for simply giving their opinion? But after hours of entering your preferences and perspectives, you may only make peanuts for your time. (Ten dollars sounds great, but not so much if it takes you three hours to complete the survey!) Or, you discover that your completion of the questionnaire grants you nothing but an entry into a drawing that you might win. Alas, according to the law of supply and demand, since opinions are twice as common as dirt clods and half as valuable, nobody will pay much for such a cheap and abundant commodity.
Knowing What's Right For You
I eventually despaired of finding a decent work-at-home option without a major expenditure of time and resources in a “trial and error” process that had no guarantee of success but great potential for floundering and waste! Not relishing this prospect, but having the need to move forward, I very nearly settled for something that I now realize would not have been a good choice for me. I gravitated toward telephone customer service work since I have a background as a professional broadcaster and dispatcher. Luckily, I stopped short after realizing that the necessity of being tied to my desk for long periods would be impractical with the limitations of my physical condition.
What I needed to find was something for which I had good basic skills, but with the versatility that would enable me to be productive with maximum flexibility in my work schedule.
I type 60 words per minute and have expertise in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Audio transcription seemed like the perfect fit for me. But even with this narrow focus, I still had to figure out how and where to begin. Here's how I recognized Transcribe Anywhere as the best place to start this exciting new endeavor.
Audio Transcription: Music to My Ears
“So, you can type 60 words per minute,” I congratulated myself. “You’re an expert with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and you used headphones for 20 years in radio. You could fall into a career as an audio transcriptionist!” Or, so I assumed. But when I began exploring the options, I soon realized there’s more to it than I thought. Skills and experience are advantages -- but having all the ingredients doesn’t guarantee you’ll get an edible cake. After passing by the many “Audio Transcription in Three Easy Steps” type of offers, I spotted a blog post entitled “Seven Myths About Becoming a General Transcriptionist” on
Hunter S. Thompson said, “Anything worth doing is worth doing right,” which is a great description of professionalism. Professionalism has immediate qualities like promptness, diligence, and integrity -- but it also encompasses the process of acquiring the necessary training and practice to become qualified to do something properly. Early in my radio career, I learned the Five Ps -- Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Suitable skills and abilities are indispensable -- but good vision and a steady hand will make no one a surgeon who hasn’t studied and mastered anatomy.
I sat up and took notice when reading Janet Shaughnessy’s forthright assertion that audio transcription is not “a get rich quick while laying around situation” -- it requires training and practice. Admittedly, I knew nothing about transcription, but I did recognize the mentality and attitude of professionalism at Transcribe Anywhere. I also appreciated the full upfront disclosure that Janet offers via the free seven-lesson mini-course entitled “Transcription Foundations,” which equipped me with all the information I needed to determine if audio transcription was right for me, and -- equally important -- if I was right for it.
Why Transcribe Anywhere is Legit
There are no “instant pudding” formulas here. Or, as Janet puts it, no “wasting time on cheap products that tell you the basics but don't give you ALL the tools you need to make it happen.” She has an infectious enthusiasm for training and equipping others to do audio transcription properly and successfully. “It takes hard work, dedication, and practice though,” she candidly forewarns. “So if you’re looking for a quick fix or an easy way to make some cash, this is not for you.”
That approach is the antithesis of every kind of scam and con. Janet actually seeks to dissuade people from signing up for courses if they’re not serious about -- or suitable for -- transcription work. But for the capable and diligent, Janet offers the benefit of her many years of experience. She provides high-quality education, training, and lifetime support.
Transparency, forthrightness, and professionalism are the pillars that elevate like a glistening high-rise above the rest of the audio transcription skyline. That’s why I’m excited to be embarking on the journey by starting the General Transcription: Theory and Practice course. Thanks for being there, Janet -- you’re a real inspiration!
Our Take
What a great ending to George's story, right?! We're so proud to have him in our Transcribe Anywhere community. We can't wait to see where transcription takes him.
Your Turn
Feel free to leave your comments and words of encouragement for George below!