What Life is Like As a Military Spouse

emotions work from home freedom May 22, 2024

As we approach Memorial Day, I find myself reflecting not only on our fallen soldiers’ courage and sacrifice… 

But also on the resilience and strength of those they leave behind.

What do I mean by this?

I hear from many of you every day struggling to balance work with family commitments. 

Whether you’re raising young children or caring for elderly relatives, the challenge is real.  

And if you’re a military spouse?

The challenges only pile on.

You also have to worry about regularly moving house on short notice - leaving established homes, jobs, and friends behind…

Lack of strong support systems that can offer childcare and other help…

And a long string of potential jobs with too-rigid schedules or employers that specifically won’t hire military spouses.

It's a big weight on your shoulders - and that’s without going into the constant worry when your loved one is deployed. 

This is why remote work has been such a lifeline for so many military spouses! 

From anywhere with internet service, military spouses can build rewarding careers despite the constant upheaval.

Transcription, in particular, has given hundreds of people I know a flexible and sustainable income stream that perfectly fits with military life.

I wanted to commemorate this important day by not only paying tribute to our fallen heroes but also by extending a helping hand to anyone who wants or needs a rewarding remote career.

So now our Memorial Day Sale is on, where all our courses will be available at a 50% discount from May 22 through May 27.

When you enroll, you'll be treated to:

- 6 modules (in the general course) and 14 modules (in the legal course) packed with industry insights from a transcription veteran with 30+ years of experience 

- 7 progressively challenging practice dictations from real projects, designed to sharpen your newfound transcription skills and prepare you for real-world clients 

- Lifetime membership to our supportive student community, where you'll find guidance, encouragement, and camaraderie as you embark on your transcription journey

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your career from the comfort of your own home.  

Enroll now to take charge of your future! 

Explore a career in transcription with our free workshop

Enroll in our free workshop